Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sadie, The Undisturbed Horse

Two summers ago I had a group of friends over to our place for a trail ride, followed by a cookout. We live close the the St Marys river. Because we have wonderful neighbors who are willing to share, as long as we are respectful of their property, we have access to several miles of trail riding along the river. (Thank You neighbors.)
I had invited a couple of horseless friends who enjoy horses and riding. One of them was Ginger. I had her ride my horse Sadie. Sadie is a sorrel, small Tennessee Walker type horse, who now lives with a good friend of mine over by Erie, PA.
There were 10 - 12 of us on this ride altogether. There were 5 of us riding up front in a group, with the others at a distance behind. We were riding on a trail through a field of tall grass. All of a sudden a bird flushed up out of the grass right beside us on the left.
Well 4 of the 5 horses instantly 'flushed' to the right at least 10 - 12 feet. As the 4 of us regained our composure, I turned around and looked at Sadie. There was Sadie just standing in the same spot in the trail, looking at the rest of us as if to say, "What the heck? It was only a bird!".
So why did Sadie remain calm, and the other 4 horses hit the panic button?
Have you ever noticed that about people as well? Have you ever noticed that some people go through a situation and are all stressed out? Yet someone else can go through the same, or very similar, situation and they stay calm and at peace?
Why is that? What is the difference between someone who stresses out over circumstances, and someone who remains calm and at peace?
The only answer I have come up with is - It's our 'Perception' of the circumstances that make the difference. It is how we 'see' what's going on. It is what we 'believe' about what is going on. It is the 'meaning' we give to the event.
Just something to think about.

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