Monday, January 23, 2012

Jan. 12, 2012 Newsletter

You've probably heard the saying about 'the best laid plans' . . .
Well that's kind of how I felt a few days ago when I discovered that the links in my newsletters have not been working.
MY APOLOGIES. The links in this newsletter should now be working. (If you have trouble with any of them, please email me at and let me know.)
And, I am working on a Free Gift for you. You should be seeing it in your inbox in the next few days. Please watch for it. It will contain some information that could be very valuable to you.
All of this brings me once again to 'letting go'.
I had to work at not 'beating myself up' over this, and 'let it go'. After all, there is nothing I can do about it now. There is nothing I can do about the past. All I can do at this point is, 'let it go', correct it, and move forward.
You know, there is a big difference between 'letting go' and 'burying your feelings'.
I used to 'bury my feelings'. 'Stuff them down inside'. 'Grin and bear it'. 'Suck it up'. 'Toughen up'. 'Swallow my pride'. 'Build a wall'. Oh, and 'keep my mouth shut'.
'Burying your feelings' really isn't very healthy. I knew that. Trouble is I didn't know what else to do with those feelings.
Then a couple of years ago I read something on letting go. And it has been one of those life changing things for me.
Burying feelings can be likened to holding a stone in your hand and clenching it tight.You don't dare let it go. You don't dare let those emotions out. That would be a sign of weakness.
'Letting it go' is like turning your hand over, opening your hand, and letting the stone just fall to the ground.
Next time you need to 'let it go', try it. Think about clenching your fist tight and 'holding it in'. See what that feels like. Now, turn your hand over, open your hand, and 'let it fall away'. It is much more of a relief.
Or try this, think about it as a butterfly that you are holding in the palm of your lightly closed hand. Now open your hand, let it go, and watch the butterfly fly away.
You will live a lot more free if you learn to 'let it go', instead of 'burying it'. I know I have.

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