Monday, January 23, 2012

Dec. 8, 2011 Newsletter

A few weeks ago our local Rockford (Ohio) Chamber of Commerce held their annual dinner banquet. There was a wonderful local band playing before dinner and during the start of dinner. The food was excellent. It was a very nice evening, where the Business of the Year, and the Citizen of the Year were honored.
Entertainment is always provided, and this year we had a guest speaker for the evening. Her talk was on 'Staying Positive in a Down Economy', I believe was the title. One of the things I remember from her presentation was, she was talking about how much stress has increased in the United States over the last quite a few years.
One of the things she said was, that if we want to reduce stress, we need to focus on those things we can do something about, and quit focusing on those things we can't.
It is the focusing on those things we can't do anything about, or change, that cause a lot of our stress.
Kind of reminds me of the Serenity Prayer. 'God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.'
It's something I try and ask myself, (and probably need to do even more often), '"Is this something I can change or do something about?" If it is, then I need to do it. If it's not, I need to let it go, and focus on those things I can change or do something about.
What about you? Could you reduce some of the stress in your life if you only focused on those things you could do something about, and let go of the rest?

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