Monday, January 23, 2012

Nov. 3, 2011 Newsletter

Last week you heard a story from my life about how some 'programming' in my past continued to affect my adult life as well. In the past week I had an opportunity see some 'beliefs' and 'programming' in some other people's lives.

Last Friday I did a Leadership Training Workshop with my horses. (For more information see my website The attendees this time were all women. They were all in management at various local companies. One was a horse women, the others were not.

One thing that stood out for me was some of the 'beliefs' that came out.

One 'belief' in particular was around “I'm afraid people won't like me”. It's closely related to “I'm afraid I'll hurt them/hurt their feelings”, and “I'm afraid they'll be mad at me”.

One lady shared how her mother was always telling her as a young girl “Don't be a nasty girl”, “Don't be a nasty girl”. Even if she was being teased mercilessly, she was not allowed to be a 'nasty girl'. That 'programming' has carried through to her adult life. That 'belief' has had an impact on her life.

I told them “it's just a belief. I'm afraid people won't like me, is just a belief". I think that was an ah-ha moment for some of them.

Have you ever thought about that? That 'it' is just a belief?

Beliefs can be changed. You can change your beliefs. They do not have to continue controlling your life today.

Obviously there are beliefs we want to keep. Beliefs like “it's wrong to steal”, etc., and so on.

But what about all those beliefs like “I'm afraid they won't like me”, or “I'm not good enough”, or “I don't deserve it”, . . . . .

What if I told you that you could change those beliefs, or that you can let go of those beliefs?

How would that change things for you?

How would your life change?
Having some of these beliefs definitely affects your relationship, as well as many other things in your life.

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