Monday, January 23, 2012

Dec. 1, 2011 Newsletter

What if I told you that you did not have to be perfect? Would that be freeing for you?

What if you were 'excellent' instead of 'perfect'?

A while back I was working with a client on some Centered Riding principles. She was trying so hard to be 'perfect' that she was almost rigid and stiff. By being 'excellent' instead of 'perfect' she created a much more lovely 'picture'. She softened and actually did a better job than when she was trying to be perfect. Her horse even seemed like he took a big sigh of relief and moved much better as well.

Especially during the holiday season many people can get even more wrapped up in having to be perfect. The perfect tree, the perfect meals, the perfect presents, the house cleaned perfectly . . . Do yourself a favor, and those around you, and think 'excellent' You will create a much lovelier 'picture', and you, and those around you will enjoy it more.

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