Monday, January 23, 2012

Dec. 29, 2011 Newsletter

It is only a few short days until the end of 2011, and the start of a brand new year, 2012. If you are like me, you have probably received numerous emails and newsletters about setting your goals and resolutions for the New Year.
I believe it is important for you to take a look back at 2011 and see what you would like to change, or improve, or do differently, along with what are the next thing(s) you would like to accomplish for 2012.
One thing I'd like you to think about though for 2012 is, 'who would you like to BE'? What kind of person would you like to BE? Would you like to be more patient? Would you like to be more: confident, assertive, peaceful, calm, grateful, outgoing . . . ?
What if you needed to BE, before you could DO or HAVE? Who would you need to become?
I believe when You change, circumstances and people around you will also change.
So spend some time thinking about what kind of person you would like to be.
Then go BE THAT PERSON. This is kind of like 'fake, til you make it'. Start acting like the person you want to be. Practice picturing yourself being and responding like the person you would like to be . Take time to visualize yourself being the person you'd like to be.
When you find yourself in a situation where you wish you could be different, whether it's more patient, or less stressed, or more assertive, instead of 'wishing', start being that person you want to be. You are not being a fraud. You are working towards you being the person you want to be.
Another idea is, think of a person who is like the person you want to become in a certain area. Who do you know that sets a good example in a given situation? A boss, past or present? A teacher, a good friend, . . .? Then act like that person would. 'See' yourself following their example.
Here's to you being 'The Best You, You Can Be' in 2012.
Happy New Year! to each and everyone of you. May God richly bless each and everyone of you in the coming year, and beyond.

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