Monday, January 23, 2012

Oct. 27, 2011 Newsletter

As a kid growing up I loved to farm. We lived on a large family farm, and although my dad did not farm, we lived next to my grandparents & an uncle that did farm. Before I was old enough to drive tractors I would spend as much time as possible riding the tractor or combine and helping my grandpa and uncle. At the age of 14 I was able to get my tractor permit and then I was able to drive a tractor by myself either pulling wagons & unloading grain (my favorite was unloading ear corn) or working up ground. We would pick up rocks in the summer, hoe weeds out of the beans by hand, pickup sticks from a woods that had been cleared off, and many other jobs.

I learned a very good work ethic.

But I also learned some things that don’t serve me as well now.

One of the things I remember is, if I went to get a tool for example, I had better be running as fast as I could go all the way there & all the way back. I had better not be ‘dawdling’ or ‘doitering’, as my family would put it, about anything.

Now, well into my adult years, I have become aware that I've been rushing on a regular basis. I even found myself rushing with my horses, something that is supposed to be relaxing and stress-relieving. ‘Hurry up and get them brushed and saddled so I can ride.’ And the list goes on from there.

When I became aware I was doing that, I wondered to myself if always having to run after tools, or whatever job or errand I was doing, had anything to do with it.

A few months ago my uncle was chatting with my husband and I about vacation. My uncle was telling my husband how he did not even like to ‘doiter’ on vacation. As I listened to him I had to laugh to myself, and I just thought, “Wow, right here is why I’ve found myself rushing through so many things that I do, even those things that are supposed to be enjoyable.”

That one example has been part of my programming, belief system and subconscious (inner life) all of these years, and had still been running my life in a lot of ways (outer life). It is one of those areas I continue to work on.

That one thing affects my relationship with my horses, as well as other areas. My relationship with my horses for example, is much better when I am present in the moment, and enjoying them, rather than rushing on to the next thing.

So what ‘programming’ from your past might be having a negative effect on you today? Just becoming aware of it can help make a big difference for you. Imagine what kind of freedom you would feel if you could let it go!

Do I still rush? Yes, but not as much as I used to. And now I catch myself doing it, and I can make a change. YOU CAN TOO!

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