Thursday, February 2, 2012

By default or by design?

A few weeks ago I attended a BNI (Business Network International) meeting as a guest in Wapakoneta, Ohio. At each meeting a different member is scheduled to give a 10 minute presentation about themselves and their business.
This particular day the young lady ( early 20's) who did the presentation was a beautician. I have to admit my first thoughts were along the lines of 'well this will probably be boring' since being a beautician is one of the last things I'd want to do. Well I was wrong.
This young lady told us how she became to be a beautician. And I could see she loved it.
Then she told us how she picked the salon to work at by how it felt, and she knew it was the right one for her.
She then went on to say how she specializes in hair coloring and gave us some good information about it. I was totally captivated by what she was saying because she was so passionate about it. I mean, this young lady just oozed enthusiasm about hair color.
A few days later I was at a Women In Business luncheon and I happened to be sitting with some ladies who were members of that BNI group and they asked me what I'd thought about the meeting.
I told the lady sitting next to me how impressed I'd been with the young ladies presentation. I said, "She was so passionate about her business. It's too bad everyone can not be that passionate about what they do, and have that much enthusiasm for their work."
The lady sitting next to me replied, "Well nobody has probably ever told them they could."
Wow! What an insight!
It made me wonder how many people live their lives, and make a living, by default, instead of by their choice and their design.
What about you? Is your work, and your life, by your own design?
It's never too late to start!

Until next time, have an awesome week!
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1 comment:

  1. This post is great, and I'm so glad that I broke away from what my parents felt was an "acceptable" career path and struck out on my own to do what I love!
