Thursday, February 23, 2012

What Procrastinating Cost Me

Last week I talked about learning to listen to your inner guidance system and not editing it out when it gives you guidance and direction.
This week I'd like to take it one step further and add, don't procrastinate when your inner knowing gives you an idea or direction. Joe Vitale has a saying, "The universe likes speed". In other words (at least what it means to me) when you are given an idea, or some kind of direction or wisdom from your inner knowing, you need to act on it. As soon as possible. It is there to guide you.
Earlier this year I procrastinated on an 'idea' I was given. Because I did, I missed out on what could possibly have been a wonderful opportunity.
As some of you know, I am a certified Centered Riding instructor (level 1). I was checking out the Centered Riding website looking for upcoming clinics that might be close to me that I might be able to assist at. I saw that Sue Harris and Peggy Brown were going to be holding a Centered Riding Clinic at Biltmore Estates. (Peggy was my instructor for my instructor training) My immediate thought was 'I need to get a hold of Peggy and see if I could assist at this clinic. That would be 2 highly qualified people I would love to assist. Plus getting to check out Biltmore Estates would be incredibly awesome as well"
Instead of acting and contacting Peggy, I procrastinated. I played around with the idea for awhile. Then I mentioned it to my friend who now lives in N.C., and is also a Centered Riding Instructor, that I was thinking about it, and was she going to attend that clinic, and maybe we could both assist or something.
I still was in procrastination mode and didn't contact Peggy right away, but my friend did. I waited another couple of weeks, and then finally emailed Peggy.
As it turns out, they really only need 1 assistant and my friend asked first.
I have no one to blame but myself. But I did learn yet another lesson about listening to my inner guidance system, my inner knowing.
There is no guarantee that if I would have contacted Peggy right away, that it would have worked out. By procrastinating though, I lost my opportunity.
What about you? Can you think of a time, or times, that you may have been given an idea and you procrastinated on it?
Don't beat yourself up about it. Recognize it is a lesson to learn from. Realize that you can learn to listen to your inner guidance, your inner knowing. And you can learn to act, when you are given those gifts of wisdom, guidance and direction.
I'm working on it. Will you?

Until next time, have an amazing week!
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