Thursday, February 9, 2012

Are You Running on Empty?

I’m guessing you do a pretty good job of taking care of those around you and your other responsibilities. You make time for, and take care of, your family, your friends, your home, your work, your animals if have them, and your other commitments. Perhaps you are even ‘burning the candle at both ends’.

This week I’d like to remind you to take care of yourself as well.

You may have been taught to put everyone else first. Or that doing anything for your self was selfish. To give, give, give. Or to just keep on going.

But it’s hard to do that if you are running on empty.

Just like your car or truck needs fuel to keep going, so do you. If the gas tank on your vehicle is empty, it can’t keep running, it has nothing more to give you.

You are really no different. If you don’t somehow ‘refuel’, you really have nothing left to give. At least you aren’t giving your best anyway.

Do you get enough sleep?

I’ve been going through a couple of weeks where I wake up at 4:00 am and I can’t go back to sleep. (This to shall pass.) I can tell a big difference.

I know we are all different, but a few of the things I’ve noticed about not getting enough rest are: I have less patience, it is harder to keep a positive attitude and frame of mind, it is more difficult to stay focused on what I’m doing, plus I’m not enjoying what I’m doing like I would like to. Oh yeah, and when I’m tired I tend to snack more.

What do you notice when you are tired? If you aren’t getting enough rest, perhaps it is something to make a priority, at least for awhile.

Do you take time to ‘re-charge your batteries’? Do you take some time for yourself to do something you enjoy?

Maybe it’s spending time with your horse, or taking your dog for a walk, if you have one. Or maybe for you it is to sit down with a good book. Perhaps it is working on an art project, or doing some scrapbooking. It could be going out for dinner with a good friend.

I’m not talking about being selfish here, but making the time to do some things you enjoy can recharge and refuel you. It can give you an improved outlook.

What kind of ‘fuel’ do you feed yourself? Do you eat healthy? What you eat can make a difference in how you feel and your energy levels.

Just a few things to think about.

Take care of yourself and you will have a better you to give. Plus you might just enjoy it a lot more!

Until next time, have an awesome week!
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