Thursday, March 1, 2012

What Was Holding Me Back?

Do you ever feel like something is holding you back? Do you ever feel like you could be more, or do more, or have more, but you feel like there is a glass wall or a glass ceiling in your way, and you can't figure out why, or what it is?
I know I have. I got a good look at some of this recently and I'd like to share it with you.
When I first started writing this newsletter, it was to people I didn't really know. I started with people who had purchased products from me and were my customers, but we didn't know each other on a personal level. After several months of doing that I made the decision that it was time to share it with my friends and those people I did know.
That is when I discovered at least part of the answer to what can hold us back.
When I made the decision that I was going to share this with people who knew me - The fear started. It was definitely putting me out of my comfort zone. My limiting and negative beliefs and programming, that I didn't even realize I had up to now, started rearing their ugly head.
It was at that point I had a choice to make. I could either back off and not pursue my dream. Or I could keep on going no matter what I was feeling and no matter what my inner critic was telling me.
For a few days it was bad. I would wake up at 3:00 in the morning in a cold sweat and with my heart pounding and my inner critic was going, "what are people going to think?", "people are going to think you are in idiot", "who do you think you are?"
Up to that point I had never realized it mattered to me what other people would think.
One thing I do when confronted with things I'm not sure how I should handle it is (besides praying) I write. I sit down and ask, "what is the truth?", and I write.
I wrote things like, there is no logic in caring about what people think. So where did this belief or programming come from?
I couldn't think of any incident in my past that would lead me to be feeling this strongly. I kept writing, whatever came to mind. And then there it was. A memory from 6th grade came to mind, when something I said 'haunted' me for the rest of my school years.
Once I had that realization it was better. I was still uncomfortable, but at least I quit waking up in a cold sweat with my heart pounding.
I made the choice that I wanted to follow my dream whether I was uncomfortable or not. And I was still somewhat uncomfortable up until the point I got everything in place and finally did share it with all those people who knew me. As soon as I completed that project the uncomfortable left.
If you are concerned deep down what other people think, it will hold you back. Your subconscious' job is to protect you. It won't let you do something, if you are concerned about what other people will think about it. At least not without sending off all the warnings, like it did for me.
(Another thing to keep in mind though is, if you never try stepping out of your comfort zone, you are not going to be getting these 'warnings'.)
This is just one of many beliefs and past programming that can hold you back. The point is to start paying attention. When the doubts and fears make themselves known . . .
Choose in favor of your goal, your dream, your purpose and/or your passion. And keep on moving forward.
At least if you want to keep growing anyway.

Until next time, have an amazing week!
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