Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wrestling a Pig in the Mud

This past week I read a statement that has made me really stop and think. Actually I've been thinking about it off and on since then. I'd like to share it with you and give you something to think about for the coming week.
"Some people like to be negative. Arguing with them is like wrestling a pig in the mud. You both get dirty, but only the pig enjoys it."
I was reading an article about Joel Osteen and his church in Houston, TX, but that particular statement towards the end of the article just really jumped out at me. (
Among other things, it made me do some thinking about why we argue.
One of the reasons I believe we argue is 'to be right'.
I was reminded of a statement I heard several times at the recent Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar I attended in Chicago in February. "You can be right, or you can be rich".
I'd like to add to that, 'you can be right, or you can have peace'.
Not that there are not certain things we truly need to stand up for and defend, but how much more peace would we have if we gave up our need to be right, and just let it go, instead of arguing?
And that includes arguing with someone in our own head.
It can be a real waste of energy and it can sure be a loss of peace, at least for us. So one thing to ask yourself is, "How much is it worth to 'be right'?" Sometimes it may be worth it. But I'm guessing most of the time it's not.
Just something to think about.

Until next time, have an amazing week!
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