Thursday, March 29, 2012


This week's newsletter is mostly going to be about some changes and new things I am planning that will be coming your way soon. However, I hope you get at least a little inspiration from this week's newsletter as well.
Last week I told the story of meeting the gentleman who had lived most of his life doing what he loved and therefore never really 'worked' a day in his life.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to talk to a man who is at the very beginning of starting to live his passion. He is just getting started on the process of transitioning from his 'job/career' to something he loves to do and is passionate about.
I love it. I love talking to people who are living their purpose and passion, or are at least on the path towards it. That is one of my passions, that people ought to enjoy their life and live it with purpose and/or passion, to love what they do.
One thing I've had people tell me though goes something like this. "I don't know what my purpose or passion is. I know I want to do something different. I just don't know what it is."
So in answer to that I'm working on putting together a program to help solve that problem, to help people discover what their purpose or passion is, and to uncover what it is they would truly love to do. I will let you know when I get that all put together.
Another thing I'm passionate about is around the area of limiting and negative beliefs and programming, and how we get rid of that crap and how we can change it. You know, those beliefs and ways of thinking and acting that hold us back from what we truly want and desire. Some might call it self-sabotage. I've written several newsletters/blog posts around that subject.
I personally have just started a program to learn more about letting go of, and releasing, the limiting and negative beliefs and programming I still have.
You've probably heard the cliche that we are like onions. We all have 'layers' of things to deal with. So even though I have grown, changed and improved a lot from where I was several years ago, I'm not there yet and I see more areas I would like to improve in.
I will keep you updated at various times, letting you know what progress I've made and the results I'm seeing in my life.
I am in the process of restructuring some of my websites and blog.
My blog will be moving to one of my own websites. I plan on creating blog posts more often, with helpful information, as well as writing articles and posting them online. Lots of free helpful content.
I will also occasionally be offering products that have helped me really grow and improve, and I will be putting those online. Don't worry, you won't receive 'buy this' messages from me every day. My goal is to continue to give you valuable content for free, as well as to share products that have helped me. If you are interested in those products, great! If not, no problem. Just keep reading growing and improving.
I will keep you updated and notify you as I get things in place and as things change.

Lastly for this week I want to say, "Thank you for being one of my readers!" I truly appreciate each of you. And there is not a lot I find more satisfying, than when one of you tells me that something I said or wrote, either spoke to you or helped you in some way. For that is truly my highest passion, to help others be all that God created them to be, to live up to their potential. All of my other passions are just a part of that.
Until next time, have an amazing week! And remember to enjoy your life.
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Jane, I found you! I'm excited to start reading your posts. I see lot of things I want to talk to you about:) Take a look at my blog and let me know what you think...

    Also, will you send me the link to your engraving site. I haven't googled it yet. Thanks~Penny
