Thursday, April 5, 2012

Problems. Sorry, that's Challenges & Opportunities

Well . . . , the plan was that by this week I would have my new blog set up on my own site and would be telling you all about it in this week's newsletter.
It's almost there. I have one little thing I haven't figured out yet, well maybe two.
Plus I've been amazed (that's the positive version) how much 'life' has gotten in the way in the past week. I've had this project I really wanted to get done and all this other 'stuff' just get coming up that needed to be taken care of as well.
It can be frustrating, discouraging . . .
Do you ever feel like that?
Somehow I've found that I've had this belief that if I was doing, and being, what I was supposed to be that everything would just flow smoothly. Everything would just fall into place. If I was the person I was supposed to be I would just be positive all the time. Negative, discouraging thoughts wouldn't enter my mind.
I've discovered I've had a deep down subconscious belief that super successful people, experts and gurus don't have things go wrong, they don't have doubts and they don't have fears. I'm not sure where that came from, but beliefs like that can sure make a person go, 'what's wrong with me?'.
Here recently I've had the opportunity to listen to some interviews of some really successful people. Interestingly some of the things they were asked were around the areas of 'what do you do when problems (err, challenges) come up?', 'what do you do when doubts and fears come up?'
The first time I heard it I was like "Really? You struggle with some of the same things I do?" It was actually kind of a relief, like some weight was lifted off.
So what are some of the things successful people, experts and gurus do when 'stuff' comes up or gets n the way? Here are some things I've heard them say, in no particular order.
Yes they have fears. They just do it anyway, in spite of their fear.
When they have doubts and negative thoughts, they counteract them with positive thoughts and affirmations.
On a regular basis they are careful of what they listen to, what they read, what they watch on TV, and the people that they are around. They stay away from, as much as possible, the negative, the discouraging and the non-supportive.
I heard that it wasn't an automatic reaction to be positive when challenges arise. Sometime they have to work at it for a minute, or 5 minutes, an hour, a day, a week, or even a month.
One gentleman keeps a list of all his accomplishments, and when things aren't going right he pulls out his list of all his accomplishments and reminds himself, "This is who I really am".
One thing I do is, I have a written vision for my life, my goals, and who I want to be. When I get discouraged, when things aren't going like I want, or when I'm tempted to give up and quit, I go back to that. And I know that this is what I really want and I can't give up.
So here's to getting past the roadblocks, or around, under, over or through, whatever we have to do.
Here's to hoping that next week I can tell you I have it all set up and you can go check it out.

Until next time, have an amazing week!
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