Thursday, April 12, 2012

Releasing Negative Feelings

Well I have my new blog in place.
So this will be the last week for a blog post on I will be leaving it up, I just won't be making any more post there.
This will be the first week of posting to my new blog at I have copied all my old posts to the new blog so they will be there for reference.
I will keep you updated as more changes are put in place.
I would like to learn more about what YOU would like to learn more about
. I put together a short 2 question survey. If you have not taken the survey yet, please consider doing so. It should take less than a minute, since it is only 2 questions. It will help me a great deal, in helping you live the Life You Want.
This week's article:
In my January 12th newsletter I talked a little bit about letting go of feelings instead of hanging onto to them.
“Burying feelings can be likened to holding a stone in your hand and clenching it tight. You don't dare let it go. You don't dare let those emotions out. That would be a sign of weakness.
'Letting it go' is like turning your hand over, opening your hand, and letting the stone just fall to the ground.
Next time you need to 'let it go', try it. Think about clenching your fist tight and 'holding it in'. See what that feels like. Now, turn your hand over, open your hand, and 'let it fall away'. It is much more of a relief.
Or try this, think about it as a butterfly that you are holding in the palm of your lightly closed hand. Now open your hand, let it go, and watch the butterfly fly away.”
In the past week I've learned about another technique. Remember a couple of weeks ago I told you I had started a new program “to learn more about letting go of, and releasing, the limiting and negative beliefs and programming I still have.”
Well I've been experimenting with this new technique, and I wanted to share it with you.
With this technique you focus on whatever it is you are feeling. Whether you are feeling fearful, or frustrated, lonely . . . whatever it is you are feeling, just really feel the feeling.
Then you 'welcome' the feeling. You 'allow it' to be there.
I know it sounds crazy. But for me it has worked. It's like 'welcoming' this feeling seems to just let it dissolve or dissipate.
So let's say I find myself feeling frustrated because I have a lot to do, and things aren't going according to plan. (Of course, part of the trick is catching yourself having these feelings, so you can do something with them.) I then ask myself, “What am I feeling?” Then I try and really feel it. I focus on the feeling of frustration and what it really feels like. Then I ask myself, “Can I just welcome this feeling? Can I just allow it to be here?”
Amazingly, I find the feeling just dissolving, is the best way I know to describe it. I notice that the feeling is a lot less.
Than I may go through the process again, asking myself, “What am I feeling now?” “Can I welcome it? Can I just allow it to be here?” Maybe I need to go through the process several times on some feelings.
Please try it and see if it helps you. For me, I think it has actually worked better than 'letting go'. But each person is different, and different techniques work for each individual. At least give it a try and see if it works for you.
Even if it doesn't work for all feelings, or for all people, it is still a great 'tool' to have in learning to release and let go of the limiting and negative feelings, beliefs and programming that we have. At least it has been a great tool for me.
I'll continue to keep you updated on this program I'm working going through, and let you in on new insights. When I've completed going through it I will share the program with you and my overall thoughts on it.
Until next time, have an amazing week,

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