Thursday, March 22, 2012

Never Work a Day in Your Life

“Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” - Confucius
That is one of my firm beliefs. I think I'm almost passionate about it. It is something I'm moving my life towards. It's part of creating the life I desire.
This past weekend I got the opportunity to meet a man who has lived that lifestyle his whole life.
My husband and I went to visit some friends, George and Vicki, in northwest Pennsylvania this past weekend. We arrived early evening on Friday. After an eventful Friday night with their one son needing emergency surgery to remove his appendix, an incident with another son, and a short night of sleep for all of us, Saturday dawned a beautiful morning.
Once we knew the son with the emergency surgery was going to be fine and was going to be released from the hospital that day, George, my husband and I headed for Franklin, PA.
Our first stop was Maurer's Trading Post. It is probably the largest store my husband and I have ever been in for the outdoor sportsman, outside of a Cabela's or Bass Pro Shop.
Our next stop was the Franklin Antique Mall and Auction Gallery. This was an amazing place housed in an old armory. They had an incredible number and variety of items. We were really wowed. It is really a place you need to visit if you ever have the opportunity.
What made it even more amazing was the fact that the entire collection was owned by one man. We met him as we were leaving, as he was the person 'working' that day.
My husband asked him if this entire collection was all his, to which he said that it was. We then asked him how he had managed to collect so much stuff.
He told us that he had started at 6 years old, and he was now 76. That he had started at 6 years old selling eggs, and I think bread/milk, to his neighbors. He would buy other things with that money and resell them.
I said, "I be you've never worked a day in your life, have you?"
And he agreed, wholeheartedly. You could tell this man had loved what he did his whole life. Plus he had made a very good living at it.
How amazing is that?!
What about you? Does that sound like you, or something you'd be interested in doing? If you aren't already, it's never too late to start heading in that direction.
But here is another thing I got out of that experience. He started at 6 years old. What can we do for our kids, or our grandkids, to help them start developing their purpose and passion? What can we do to teach them good financial and business skills?
That would be an amazing legacy to leave behind.
Just something for you to think about.

Until next time, have an amazing week!
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